Sourcing Advisors Group

Is Price Benchmarking Worth It?

Price Benchmarks are believed to be an indispensable and critical tool for Strategic Sourcing. Yet, benchmarks are often ‘fool’s gold’, as they ignore critical factors, including
– Product SKU and/or Service scope
– Product / Service complexity and availability of alternatives
– T&Cs including pricing terms, and fulfillment requirements
– Product and/or Service demand volume
– Term commitment (e.g. off contract vs 1-year deal vs 5-year deal)
– Vendor wallet-share and exclusivity (e.g. distribution of spend across vendors within a category)
– Sourcing team’s expertise in creating sustainable value

There is only way to establish a true market price — through a detailed RFP to a diverse set of vendors based on insights extracted from spend analysis and future demand forecast. This price discovery is invaluable to establish a true benchmark, which in our experience (along with the utilization of other advanced Strategic Sourcing techniques) consistently generates 15% – 20% savings for broad spend categories (result that is 3x – 10x greater than industry average).
